Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11 2001 ......

So, it has been another year since the planes came down and changed life in a big way for all of us. I took a second at work today to think about all the life lost and friends and family that have to endure that. I still don't know who did this to us for sure. And I don't think we have been told the WHOLE truth. I also feel like society is a bit scummy for having to have commemorative coins and Chinese made magnetic ribbons to remind us not to "Forget". Forget?? Really?? If you were alive and conscious when this will never forget. This shit was fucked up...its one of those things they would teach in 200 years, assuming humanity as we know it is still around then. You don't up and forget hearing that a plane crashed into one of the towers, only to hear that a second plane had done the same to the other tower. It was like COBRA from GI Joe had taken over the world that morning. Then the other two planes.....I am just tends to not forget shit like that. Fuck magnetic ribbons and any other marketing Bull Shit that immortalizes and glorifies shit like this. This is not a holiday, this is tragedy the likes our Generation has never had to endure. I know the people lost this day are worth way more than the crap I spit forth this morning, but I am sure there are plenty of other blogs with more appropriate condolences than mine.